Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Can you be any more vague?

A blogging newbie asks:
hi how do i go use my blog effectively i hrd abt a blog n i created it (sic)

Could you possibly be any more vague? The first answer ("Add content?") was the best answer, since this person has no content (at this time).

Monday, September 15, 2008

Misadventures of a home-buying newbie

This is a good example of what NOT to do when buying a house at an auction.
I bought a house at an auction a few days ago. The house was sold "as is." I am a first-time home buyer. After I won the bidding, they took a $5,000 deposit (cashier's check) and $2,500 extra after the auction was done. They had me sign papers I did not know was a contract.

It happened very quickly. They just said sign here and here, and I did. The next day, I went to the office and got my copy of the contract. When I took my friend to see the house, we found out it has a lot of termites. We did not go to a title company yet. Can I back out and get my deposit back? Or can I ask them to fix the property because they did not disclose about the termites?

What part of "as is" do you not understand?
This is funny. A student is asking
lol i hate my drama class so much and we're doin our scenes next week and i need to know ways to get sick. any suggestions? haha

The first answer given was the obvious one - go out in the cold. Another person suggested that since (s)he is a drama student, (s)he should fake it...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to create an email account

Somebody asks on Yahoo! Answers
"How do I create an extra Email address with hotmail?"

Um, go to www.hotmail.com ?